The Emperor Scorpion, known by its Latin name Pandinus imperator, is a very thrilling species of scorpion to keep as a pet. It is native to rainforests and savannas in West Africa, and is one of the largest scorpions in the world. While this may make them seem scary, they are anything but a threat.
Believe it or not, emperor scorpions aren’t dangerous compared to other scorpion species. While these scorpions do sting or pinch when they feel threatened (like when you pick them up), they’re not deadly. If you’re looking for an amazing pet, this is it!
Just like any other animal, you’ll want to learn all about an emperor scorpion’s care before you bring it home. What is its optimal environment to keep it happy and healthy? How big do they get? What do emperor scorpions eat? We have all the answers you’re looking for!
Keeping an Emperor Scorpion as a Pet
An emperor scorpion’s care is something we take very seriously.
One thing we want to make clear is that this isn’t a pet who should be handled often. Neither you nor your scorpion will enjoy it!
Emperor Scorpions are very easy to care for as far as invertebrates go, but they are delicate. While they can be held, it is not recommended as they are fragile and are really a display pet. You should only pick it up with the expectation of being stung or pinched. While they are considered more docile than most scorpions, they are still a scorpion and should be treated as such!
While these pets are not great for handling, they are quiet, clean, and easy to care for. They can grow up to six inches long and live for about six to eight years. They are nocturnal, meaning they’re most active at night.
Glass aquarium tanks are a great housing choice. Usually, one 10-gallon tank is enough for your pet scorpion. Nevertheless, a larger tank (20 to 30 gallons) is a must if you’re planning on having more than one.
Whatever glass tank you choose, be sure to opt for an option that has a tight-fitting and secure lid. You don’t want this pet getting loose!
What Do Emperor Scorpions Eat?
Since their native habitat are forests, emperor scorpions mostly eat termites. As they are insectivores, these scorpions can do fine by eating feeder insects. Dubia roaches and gut-loaded crickets are fantastic staple foods. On the other hand, you can occasionally treat your pet scorpion to wax worms. Moreover, emperor scorpions don’t need any dietary supplements as long as feeders are fed well.
You can feed your emperor scorpion three or four appropriately-sized insects each week. That being said, periods of fasting after a particularly large meal can happen and are not necessarily cause for concern. Your little guy or gal knows when it’s hungry and when it’s not!
For any advice or supplies you need for your new exotic pets, the place to go is Jabberwock Reptiles. We can answer simple questions like what do emperor scorpions eat, as well as much more complicated inquiries about the care for this amazing species. Whatever you need, we’re here for you!