Bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) and Uromastyx are two common reptiles that people have or consider having as pets. So, when comparing bearded dragons vs. uromastyx, which one is the better choice? The two share some qualities and needs, but also have a few differences that need to be considered before deciding on which is the right lizard for you.
Comparing Uromastyx vs. Bearded Dragons
Bearded dragons are native to the dry regions of Australia. They are often found basking in the sun on rocks. There are eight species of Bearded dragons recognized today. The central Bearded dragon is the most common species to own as a pet. These lizards are also often referred to as “beardies.”
Uromastyx are found in dry regions of Africa and the Middle East. These lizards dig burrows or will hide within crevices in rocks for protection. The Uromastyx’s common name is the “spiny-tailed lizard.”
Both of these lizards can make great pets but don’t forget to consider their look, care, personality, and cost.
Beardies are commonly 18-24 inches from head to tail. They grow relatively quickly, with many reaching full size within 16-24 months. They have spiny reptilian scales and have a “beard” of spikes underneath their chins that they will puff up in defense.
Uromastyx often reach lengths of 36 inches and have a sturdier build in comparison. It will take them longer to reach maturity than a beardie. Males and females differ significantly in size, with females typically being half of the size.
Personality & Lifespan
Uromastyx are a generally docile species of reptile, but can often be nippy at first. If handled and socialized properly, they grow out of this habit. These lizards will live 10-15 years. But they can live up to 20 years or more with extra proper husbandry.
Bearded dragons are known for being a docile species and are commonly tolerant of handling if done correctly. Beardies live between 8-12 years.
Beardies will need a minimum of a 40 gal enclosure, but the bigger the better! They do not need a high-level of humidity (30-40%). But they will need a basking spot of 95-110 degrees Fahrenheit (F). Beardies will also need a cool side to their enclosure being 75-85 degrees F. Full spectrum UVB light is also needed.
Uromastyx will need no less than a 55 gallon enclosure. Like a beardie the bigger the enclosure the better. These lizards will need a basking spot of 130 degrees F. The cool side of their enclosure should be around 80-90 degrees F. Uromastyx do not need UVB and will need their humidity around 20-30%.
Bearded dragons and Uromastyx both range in their pricing. Beardies typically cost between $50-200. Uromastyx will range between $80-250. There are a few factors that will affect the price of both reptiles.
When deciding what you can afford make sure to consider where you are purchasing the animal, what morph it is, and if it is captive-bred or wild caught. Beardies tend to be less expensive but this is not always the case depending on the factors listed above.
So, Which One Should You Choose?
Choosing the right reptile for you is important. Be sure to do your research about what you can afford, as well as what kind of care and personality is best suited for you. While both are excellent pets, Uromastyx and beardies have some big differences that need to be brought into consideration.
At Jabberwock Reptiles, we carry both Uromastyx and beardies. Stop in and talk to any of our friendly staff and they can help you pick the right reptile for your lifestyle. We look forward to helping you find your perfect scaly friend!