Reptiles are fascinating creatures, because they come in many different shapes and sizes. The smallest known reptile is the lizard Brookesia Nana, which is only half an inch long. On the other end of the spectrum, the largest reptile is the Saltwater Crocodile, which can weigh over a ton. That is a really, really big reptile!
If it seems like either of these two options would be tough to take care of at home, you’re right. While all reptiles are fascinating, you want one as a pet that is easy to care for. This means your family will enjoy the experience and the animal will be safe, happy, and healthy. If you’re looking for a few fantastic options for easy-to-care-for reptiles, we have them here at Jabberwock Reptiles!
Easy-to-Care-for Reptiles
#1 Bearded Dragons
Bearded Dragons are entertaining and easy to care for, but the setup and installation needs to be just right. You need a 50-gallon tank for an adult lizard of this type. It needs constant exposure to UVA and UVB light, so you need to purchase a light that can provide that and install it over their habitat. Other than that, their diet consists of insects, fresh fruits, and vegetables. This pet is docile even as an adult, which makes it easy to handle.
#2 Tortoise
It doesn’t get much easier than a pet Redfoot Tortoise. These reptiles can survive extreme temperatures, are resilient, and can live in a simple enclosure without the need for any fancy equipment. This creature requires a diet of leafy and fibrous greens, a bowl of water, and some heat- that’s pretty much it. It’s easy to see why they are considered the easiest to take care of.
#3 Corn Snake
Sure a tortoise and a lizard are easy, but a snake? Yes! A Corn Snake makes a wonderful choice of a pet because it is very easy to care for, and it also has a mild temperament. The habitat for the corn snake is just a simple 30-gallon tank. If it gets sufficient light from the sun during the day, there is no need to mount a bulb in its habitat. It only needs feeding every couple of days. You could even go out of town for the weekend without needing someone to watch your pet.
Buy Easy-to-Care-for Reptiles for a Pet From Jabberwock Reptiles
Reptiles can make wonderful pets, depending on the type that you choose. However, it is vital to select a reptile that is easy to look after, especially if you are a first time reptile pet owner. This list is only the beginning! We have plenty of other fantastic reptiles for pets that are easy to care for, including aquatic turtles and green anoles.
[…] time you are bringing a new pet home, you want your new animal friend to be happy and healthy. This means buying essential supplies […]