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157 Main Street, Stoneham, MA 02180

Chinese Cave Gecko Care Guide

Chinese Cave Gecko (Goniurosaurus spp.)

Species Info: Chinese cave geckos, unsurprisingly, hail from the lowland rainforests of southern China and Vietnam. This guide is specific to the Hainan cave gecko (G. hainanensis) and Lichtenfelder’s gecko (G. lichtenfelderi), 2 of the more common species found in the pet trade. Cave geckos, like leopard and African fat-tailed geckos belong to the Eublepharid family, meaning they have moveable eyelids and lack sticky toe pads, unlike most geckos. 

Level of Care/Handling: Easy. A heavily decorated enclosure, consistent misting schedule, and steady supply of insects are all that is needed to keep a cave gecko happy and healthy. Chinese cave geckos are somewhat tolerant of handling, but not nearly as much as their leopard and AFT cousins. Your gecko should not be handled more than once or twice a week.

 Length/Lifespan: Adult Chinese cave geckos generally reach 7-9 in. including the tail. The average lifespan of captive cave geckos is still uncertain, but at least 10-15 years can be expected.

Temperature/Humidity/Lighting/Space Requirements: Your gecko’s enclosure should stay between 65-75 degrees. A heat mat can be placed on one side of the tank to create a good temperature gradient. It is very important not to let the temperature rises above the 80s for long, as the heat can quickly become lethal. Humidity should generally stay between 55-75%. This can easily be accomplished by misting in the morning and night; allowing the enclosure to slightly dry around midday. Cave geckos are nocturnal and will generally spend all day inside a hide, making lighting unnecessary if live plants are not used (which would need an LED or fluorescent grow light). Babies/small juveniles shouldn’t be housed in anything larger than 5 gallons. Older geckos can comfortably live in 10 gallon enclosures, but will appreciate larger homes as well. Female-only groups of 2-3 have been kept successfully, but never in anything less than 20 gallons. Communal housing for species that aren’t typically social should only ever be done by experienced keepers who are able to spend ample time monitoring their animals and have the funds to deal with multiple vet bills a year.

Tank Flooring: Loose, natural substrates work best for cave geckos, and make humidity easier to maintain. Organic topsoil or a 75/25 mix of Eco Earth and sterilized sand are both great options. 

Tank Decoration: Any reptile-safe items are okay to use, and heavily decorated enclosures work best for cave geckos. Essentially, your enclosure should be a network of hides to appeal to the reclusive nature of your gecko. A water bowl or dish should also be utilized, and changed/cleaned frequently.

Diet: Chinese cave geckos are strict insectivores, and do best with a variety of live feeders. Gut-loaded crickets and roaches are great staples, with waxworms, butterworms, and hornworms being nice treats (though you shouldn’t be surprised if the treats go uneaten, cave geckos aren’t big fans of slow-moving prey). Hard-bodied food should not be larger than the space between your gecko’s eyes. All food should be dusted with a calcium supplement with vitamin D3.

*Feeder insects that should be avoided are mealworms and superworms, as cave geckos do not live in hot enough of an environment to deal with the high level of chitin in their exoskeletons. 


Feeding Frequency: Babies/juveniles can be fed 8-10 appropriately sized feeders every other day. Upon reaching adulthood, feeding can be cut back to twice a week. 

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