

Gift Guide For The Reptile Lover In Your Life

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Gift Guide For The Reptile Lover In Your Life 

By Holly Jenks


The holiday season has begun and you may be wondering what to get your loved ones. Many of us know what our friends and family’s hobbies are but are often stumped when it comes to buying gifts. If you have a reptile lover in your life but are unsure what to get them, we have just the guide for you! 


  1.Gift Card 

A gift card can be a great gift for the reptile lover in your life. This can give them the option to buy something fun or save it for things that they will need to care for their animals. If you prefer to purchase the gift card in person and don’t live near a reptile store, head to your local CVS, Target or a similar store and purchase a prepaid Visa, American Express etc. There are also many online reptile shops where you can purchase a gift card online. Josh’s Frogs offers a variety of gift cards online including a custom amount card. 


    2.Smart Plug Timer 

Every reptile owner has some system to make sure their lights turn on and off at specific times. Make it easier for them by gifting them a smart plug. These can be set on a timer, making it easier to create and stick to a schedule. Many of these smart plugs can even be controlled from an app on your phone. These plugs can also be used for setting timers for heat mats, automatic misters, and any other part of the enclosure that needs to be plugged in. 


    3.Reptile Clothing 

A fun reptile t-shirt or hoodie is a great gift option for those reptile lovers in your life! Clothing can be a great gift for those who own reptiles and those who don’t. You could design your own or find one online. If you prefer to shop from small businesses, Etsy has lots of options such as this reptile tee


    4.Reptile Necessities 

If the person you are shopping for owns reptiles and you know the species, gifting them some reptile necessities can be helpful and a great gift. Decorations for their animals’ enclosure will not only make it look nicer, but also help the animal feel more secure in their environment. Accessories can also be a great gift. Items such as stainless steel tongs or food and water dishes can also make great gifts. You can also check out the different reptile necessities that are sold at Jabberwock



If the options above aren’t an option for you, there are still a few items that would make perfect holiday gifts! You could keep it simple with a Coffee Mug or a Key Chain. If the person is younger and not able to own a reptile, a Snake Plush is a great option for them. 


The holiday season can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be and shouldn’t be all  about stress. Make sure to use this gift guide when searching for gifts to help relieve some holiday shopping hassle. 


do crested geckos need a heat lamp

Do Crested Geckos Need a Heat Lamp? Heating Care Guide

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Are you the proud owner of a crested gecko? These geckos are beloved by reptile enthusiasts for their adorable appearance and easy care requirements. But one question always comes up for the owners: do they need a heat lamp? 

This heating care guide will help you decide whether or not supplemental heat is necessary for your crested gecko and teach you how to provide it safely.​

Table of Contents

Importance of Appropriate Heating for Crested Geckos

Like all reptiles, crested geckos are ectothermic animals. This means that they rely on environmental heat sources to maintain their body temperature. 

In the wild, these animals live in tropical forests where temperatures remain relatively consistent year-round. Crested geckos require an ambient temperature that isn’t lower than 67 degrees and no higher than 75

As a result, crested geckos have evolved to be very sensitive to changes in temperature. Even a small drop in temperature can cause stress for your reptile and make them more susceptible to illness. For this reason, it’s important to provide your gecko with a habitat that has appropriate heating.

crested gecko in the wild

Do Crested Geckos Need a Heat Lamp?

The answer to this question is a bit complicated. In short, crested geckos do not strictly require a heat lamp in moderate climates, but supplemental heat can be beneficial for your reptile. Let’s take a closer look at why you might want to provide additional warmth for your crested gecko.

  1. As we mentioned before, these animals are native to tropical environments where temperatures remain relatively consistent year-round. In captivity, however, crested geckos are often kept in habitats with much cooler temperatures. This can cause stress for your reptile and make them more susceptible to illness.
  2. If you live in an area with a climate that gets cold in the winter, then your crested gecko will need supplemental heat.
  3. If you own a large tank or terrarium, you may need to provide supplemental heat for your gecko. This is because larger habitats tend to have more “dead space” where the temperature is not as consistent. By providing a heat lamp, you can help ensure that your crested gecko has a warm place to bask and hide.

crested gecko pet

How to Safely Provide Heat for Your Crested Gecko

If you decide to provide supplemental heat for your gecko, keep in mind that crested geckos are sensitive to changes in temperature, so it’s necessary to increase the temperature of their habitat slowly over time. 

Additionally, crested geckos require a gradient of temperatures in their habitat, so ensure a warm and cool area for your reptile to regulate their body temperature. The warm area should be between 70 and 75 degrees, while the cool area should be between 67 and 70 degrees.

  • Make sure you regulate these temperatures, anything above or below the given temperature could be fatal to your crested gecko.

Finally, always use a thermometer to monitor the temperature of your crested gecko’s habitat and ensure it remains within the appropriate range. By following these guidelines, you can safely provide supplemental heat for your crested gecko and help them stay healthy and happy.

Pros and Cons of Heat Lamps

Now that you know more about the importance of appropriate heating for crested geckos, let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of using heat lamps.


  • Heat lamps can help provide a consistent temperature for your gecko’s habitat.
  • Heat lamps can help your gecko regulate their body temperature.
  • Heat lamps can help reduce stress.
  • For colder climates, heat lamps can be a necessary way to provide supplemental heat.


  • If not used properly, heat lamps can be dangerous for your reptile.
  • Heat lamps can make it difficult to maintain the correct humidity levels in the tank.
  • Heat lamps can make it difficult to monitor the temperature of your gecko’s habitat.

What Are the Heating Options Available?

There are a few different options available when it comes to providing heat for your crested gecko. Here are a few of the most popular methods.

Heat lamps

As we’ve already discussed, heat lamps are one way to provide supplemental heat for your crested gecko. However, it’s important to use them safely and correctly in order to avoid any accidents.

Under Tank Heaters

Under tank heaters are another option for providing supplemental heat for your gecko. These devices attach to the bottom of your reptile’s enclosure and help to maintain a consistent temperature.

Ceramic Heat Emitters

Ceramic heat emitters are a type of infrared light that can be used to provide heat for your crested gecko. These devices do not emit light, so they can be left on 24 hours a day without disturbing your reptile’s sleep cycle.

Choosing the Best Heat Source for Your Gecko

Now that you know more about the importance of heat for crested geckos and the different types of heat sources available, you may be wondering which one is best for your reptile. The best heat source for your crested gecko will ultimately depend on their individual needs and your personal preferences. 

If you live in an area with a colder climate, then a heat lamp may be necessary in order to provide enough supplemental heat for your crested gecko. 

On the other hand, if you live in a warmer climate, then an under tank heater or a ceramic heat emitter may be all that you need to provide a little extra warmth for your reptile.

Ultimately, the best way to determine which type of heat source is best for your crested gecko is to consult with a reptile veterinarian or specialist. They will be able to help you choose the best option based on your reptile’s individual needs.

crested gecko close up

Jabberwock Reptiles Has Everything You Need for Your Pet

Now that you know more about the importance of heating for crested geckos, it’s time to start shopping for the right supplies. At Jabberwock Reptiles, we have everything you need to keep your reptile healthy and happy.

We carry various heat sources, including heat lamps, under tank heaters, and ceramic heat emitters. We also have thermometers to help you monitor the temperature of your crested gecko’s habitat. In addition to heating supplies, we offer a wide variety of other reptile supplies, including food, water dishes, substrates, hides, and more.

How often do bearded dragon shed

How Often Do Bearded Dragons Shed?

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Bearded dragons are popular pets, and for a good reason! They’re incredibly docile, social, and easy to take care of. Bearded dragons, like other lizards, shed their skin regularly. But how often do bearded dragons shed, and what can you do to help? In this post, we will answer those questions and more!

Depending on their life stage, bearded dragons shed at varying rates. For instance, a baby beardie might shed every 20 to 30 days, a juvenile every 4 to 6 weeks, and an adult every few months.

Why Do Bearded Dragons Shed?

The shedding process is called ecdysis. Bearded dragons have rough keratinized scales for skin. Due to the inelastic nature of the protein, a bearded dragon’s skin does not stretch with age. In other words, a dragon’s skin remains the same size regardless of how big the dragon gets. 

Shedding is a normal process for most reptiles. Humans lose cells continuously, whereas reptiles do so all at once. Therefore, shedding is a sign of healthy growth for your bearded dragon.

Additionally, Bearded Dragons can remove their skin if it sustains an injury or stops serving as protection. If their existing skin has sustained several scrapes, scuffs, and damages and is no longer adequately protecting them, they can shed the current skin to form a new one.

bearded dragon shedding

How Do I Know My Bearded Dragon Is Shedding?

There are certain indicators that a dragon is going to shed. Knowing your dragon well enough to identify the root of any unusual behavior is crucial because many of these symptoms are similar to those of stress or disease.

That stated, some of the most typical symptoms are fatigue, itching, irritability, and the fact that little portions of the skin are flaking off and the scales appear faded in color.

How You Can Help

Bearded dragons naturally shed their skin, so they usually don’t need help with it. However, you can do some things to make the process easier since shedding can be uncomfortable for your dragon.

shedding bearded dragon

Give Them Baths With Warm Water

When they shed, bearded dragons often prefer to be left alone. However, a warm bath could help loosen the skin, and gently brushing their scales in circular motions can help remove flaking skin. Bearded dragon skin is waterproof, therefore baths don’t help unless it’s peeling.

Place Rough Materials In Their Enclosure

Bearded dragons can shed their skin more quickly and effortlessly if they have something to rub against. Offer them a branch, smooth rocks, or other materials so they can scratch and help loosen their skin.

Provide a Calcium Supplement

When they shed, it’s essential to provide your bearded dragon with a calcium supplement since this is when they need it the most. A lack of calcium can lead to health problems like a metabolic bone disease.

Check UVB Lighting

You should also ensure their UVB lighting works properly, which helps with the shedding process. If your dragon isn’t getting enough UVB, it can lead to problems like softening of the bones and shell and decreased appetite.

Don’t Pull the Skin Off

Do not pull the skin off your dragon, as tempting as it may be. This could damage their new skin underneath and cause them a lot of pain. Remember that this process is uncomfortable for them as it is, so try to be as gentle as possible.

Shedding is a natural process for bearded dragons, but there are some things you can do to help make it more comfortable for them. By following the tips above, you can ensure that your dragon has an easy time shedding their skin!


Take Care of Your Beardie

Bearded dragons are generally pretty good about shedding on their own, but there are some things you can do to help make the process easier for them. Make sure your bearded dragon has a healthy diet and plenty of water, and keep an eye on them to ensure they’re not having any trouble shedding. 

Jabberwock Reptiles is stocked with everything you’ll need to care for your bearded dragon. Check out our other posts for more information if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks for reading!

Crested Gecko Humidity Levels

Learn More About Crested Gecko Humidity

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One of the more popular lizard pets in the past few decades has been the Crested Gecko. These geckos are a low-maintenance pet, meaning they are well-suited for children or first-time lizard owners who do not have a significant amount of time to devote to their pet’s daily care. 


That being said, they are low maintenance- not no maintenance. Crested Geckos require care and attention just like any other pet. You still need to provide your Crested Gecko with the right environment to thrive in, one that mimics their natural habitat and makes them happy and healthy. A big part of this involves the humid environment of the tank.


Table of Contents

  • What Are the Proper Crested Gecko Humidity and Temperature Levels?
  • Can Humidity Be Too High for Crested Geckos?
  • How to Provide Your Crested Gecko an Ideal Environment


What Are the Proper Crested Gecko Humidity and Temperature Levels?

Crested Gecko Humidity and Temperature LevelsBecause they are temperate/tropical lizards, a portion of Crested Gecko care must be dedicated to finding the perfect high temperatures and humidity balance for a Crested Gecko terrarium. These geckos require an ambient temperature no lower than 67 degrees and no higher than 75. A slight, brief increase in temperature is generally not a huge cause for concern, but anything above the low to mid 80’s can quickly become lethal. 


Ideal humidity levels should stay around 70% (+/- 10%). This can be done by misting the tank at the beginning and end of every day. Always be sure the cage is well-misted at night, as this is when the Crested Gecko is most active. If you are not around during the day or cannot physically mist the enclosure, you can buy an automatic mister. This will add humidity to the tank at timed intervals and adjustable intensity. You may also choose to provide your Crested Gecko with weak UVB lighting. UVB is not necessary for a healthy crestie, but does provide a natural element mimicking the sun which can increase activity and appetite. 

Can Humidity Be Too High for Crested Geckos?

Actually, yes, you can accidentally make the humidity in a Crested Gecko tank too high. Crested Geckos need a relative humidity of 70 to 80 percent in captivity, with a water bowl. That does not mean “at least 70 percent.” An average humidity higher than 80 percent will cause health issues in the long run, such as respiratory infections and scale issues. To decrease humidity in your Crested Gecko tank, you can increase ventilation to allow for more air flow, drying out the environment. 

How to Provide Your Crested Gecko an Ideal Environment

Provide Your Crested Gecko an Ideal EnvironmentCrested Geckos need room to climb. You will need to provide a mix of live plants and branches, like driftwood, cork bark, bamboo, and vines at a variety of heights and orientations. They will hide in these plants for cover.


We also recommend that you use a substrate to line the bottom of the cage. When selecting a flooring for your Crested Gecko, think about their safety, the ease of cleaning the enclosure, and if the substrate aids in retaining humidity. Eco Earth coconut fiber or similar products are recommended, as they hold moisture and make cage humidity easier to maintain. Moss or peat are two other good choices.


If you have any additional questions about setting your Crested Gecko’s enclosure up correctly and achieving the right humidity levels, feel free to reach out and ask us!

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes? Find Out Here!

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You love your pet, and it depends on you completely in order to provide the kind of life it requires to be happy, healthy, and live a long time. This is a lot of pressure, knowing even a simple mistake could make your pet very sick- or worse.

One of the most important things in caring for your pet is what is safe to feed your beardie and what isn’t. Just because your bearded dragon will eat something doesn’t mean it should. In this article, we will specifically discuss grapes and other fruits. Can bearded dragons eat grapes? Should they? Let’s find out now!

Table of Contents

  • Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes?
  • What’s the Ideal Diet to Feed Your Bearded Dragon?
  • Fruits to Avoid for Your Bearded Dragon 

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes?

The answer is yes…sort of. Bearded dragons love fruit. Both red purple and green grapes can be fed to them occasionally. While bearded dragons love grapes, it is important for you to understand that they contain a lot of water, sugar and fruit acid. Because they are high in sugar, this makes them inappropriate as an everyday food, but an excellent occasional treat.

Another thing to keep in mind is that bearded dragons should only be fed seedless grapes. Cutting up the green and red grapes ensures that there are no seeds, since even the occasional seedless options may have grape seeds and can block its digestive tract. You may also want to remove the grape skin, especially for younger dragons.

In fact, cutting up the grapes is a good idea for several reasons. Although bearded dragons can eat grapes whole, many owners prefer to cut them up to make it easier for their dragons to eat and to eliminate any possibility of choking. If you’re going to feed grapes to your pet, be sure they’re in smaller pieces. 

What’s the Ideal Diet to Feed Your Bearded Dragon?

Only feed your pet a diet that keeps it healthy. Just because something is cute to feed it or the dragon seems to enjoy it doesn’t mean it’s good food for it. Doing so will help avoid ailments such as metabolic bone disease and fatty liver disease.

Since this species is an  omnivore, bearded dragons eat greens and other animals. As babies and juveniles, they require about 70% insects/protein and 30% greens. Gut-loaded crickets and dubia roaches are great options for staple foods, with hornworms, waxworms, and butterworms being an occasional treat. A few classic greens/veggies for a proper bearded dragon’s diet include collard greens, dandelion greens, turnip greens, mustard greens, butternut squash, acorn squash, and bell peppers. 

Tip: Dragons eat grape leaves! Grape leaves are high in protein and calcium, and low in phosphorus. This means they are more nutritious for bearded dragons than the fruit itself.

Fruits to Avoid for Your Bearded Dragon

Just like people, eating fruits is healthy for your pet. That’s not to say all fruits are a suitable addition to their diet. You want to pay special attention to fruits and veggies high in oxalates. Oxalates bind together and form calcium stones. These can prevent your lizard from absorbing beneficial nutrients in their digestive tract. This causes health problems, and may even possibly lead to dehydration.

Grapes contain oxalates, but a small amount. Any sorts of citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit) should not be fed to your pet, or to gutload insects your pet is eating. Do not feed your bearded dragon avocado, as it is always poisonous to them. Other foods to avoid are spinach and broccoli, which bind calcium, and any kind of lettuce, which will give it diarrhea in addition to being void of nutrients.

Can bearded dragons eat grapes? Yes, bearded dragons can eat grapes but only as an occasional treat. 

Be sure to provide your pet reptile with the best food for bearded dragons. With any additional questions about caring for your bearded dragon, reach out to us and ask! You can also acquire the best supplies for your bearded dragon that’ll create the ideal environment for your pet reptile. You can be sure you’ll find items such as tanks with the proper temperature ranges, cage decorations, and more!


Tarantulas and Invertebrates are On Sale through July 2022

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Thinking about adding a tarantula, scorpion, or true spider to your collection? Now may be the perfect time to save on that species you’ve had your eye on.

20% off ALL Tarantulas & other Invertebrates from today until the end of July 2022.

Remember, you can always call our store and purchase over the phone. Shipping is $50 per order.

Have a great summer!

Curly Hair Tarantula Tank Setup

Curly Hair Tarantula Tank Setup You Should Follow

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Caring for a Curly Hair Tarantula means there’s never a dull moment in your life. There are many reasons to bring this eight-legged pet home, such as their docile temperament, low maintenance care, and small enclosure size.  

Before you get too far ahead of yourself, though, you’ll want to ensure you have the right terrarium to bring your spider home to. That way, you’ll ensure that it won’t feel threatened. To do this, you must follow this helpful Curly Hair Tarantula tank setup guide.

Table of Contents

  • Curly Hair Tarantula Tank Setup
  • Temperature and Lighting
  • Size
  • Tank Decoration
  • Contact Jabberwock Reptiles For Additional Guidance

Curly Hair Tarantula Tank Setup

Curly Hair Tarantulas (currently known as Tliltocatl albopilosus and previously as Brachypelma albopilosum) are a terrestrial, burrowing species native to Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. You want your tarantula’s home to be perfectly suitable for it. This is the best way to ensure your spider is happy, healthy, and lives a long life. If you follow this guide, your pet Curly Hair Tarantula will be a part of your family for many years to come:

Temperature and Lighting

These tarantulas should be kept at room temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit and 65-70% humidity level. There is usually no need to provide additional heat beyond ambient room temperature, however this varies depending on your home. Your tarantulas enclosure will need an occasional mist, but not directly on your spider. If you provide your spider with a clean, shallow water dish (like a bottle cap or portion cup) and the right substrate, the enclosure must only be misted once or twice a month. No supplemental lighting is required, though a day night cycle is beneficial to all animals. 


These spiders need more legroom than height because they like roaming around. Not only that, but their legs span larger than other species, so you should consider the ground space they need. Babies and small juveniles should be kept in an appropriately sized dram vile, or other small container as slings do not thrive in large setups. A 5-10 gallon enclosure is adequate for most adult Curly Hair Tarantulas, as well as some front opening enclosures such as an Exo-Terra Small Low.

Tank Decoration

invertebrates for sale in Stoneham, MA

Use suitable substrates include Eco Earth, peat moss, or reptisoil. All these hold humidity well – something your new pet needs to live and thrive. Your chosen substrate should be at least 3 inches thick to allow burrowing. They are native to areas where they roam the tropical scrublands and often live in burrows on the ground. You’ll want to mimic this environment for them. Springtails make excellent clean up crew for bioactive enclosures, but do not use isopods as they will munch on a molting spider.

You want to give your spider a perfect home, which requires some tank decorations. Animal-safe items such as cork bark, faux or live plants, and light rocks are okay to place in the tank, but the enclosure should not be too heavily cluttered with hardscape, as the spider needs to have ample floor space. 

Contact Jabberwock Reptiles For Additional Guidance

If you have any additional questions, concerns, or need help with your Curly Hair Tarantula tank setup, we’re here for you! 

Our exotic pet store experts can point you in the right direction, so you know your tarantula has the perfect tank to come to. You can also check out our other invertebrates for sale! We can also help you with other related questions, such as knowing an emperor scorpion’s diet and which are the best supplies for your pet.

Diet & Care Guide: What Do Emperor Scorpions Eat?

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The Emperor Scorpion, known by its Latin name Pandinus imperator, is a very thrilling species of scorpion to keep as a pet. It is native to rainforests and savannas in West Africa, and is one of the largest scorpions in the world. While this may make them seem scary, they are anything but a threat. 

Believe it or not, emperor scorpions aren’t dangerous compared to other scorpion species. While these scorpions do sting or pinch when they feel threatened (like when you pick them up), they’re not deadly. If you’re looking for an amazing pet, this is it!

Just like any other animal, you’ll want to learn all about an emperor scorpion’s care before you bring it home. What is its optimal environment to keep it happy and healthy? How big do they get? What do emperor scorpions eat? We have all the answers you’re looking for!

Keeping an Emperor Scorpion as a Pet

An emperor scorpion’s care is something we take very seriously. 

One thing we want to make clear is that this isn’t a pet who should be handled often. Neither you nor your scorpion will enjoy it! 

Emperor Scorpions are very easy to care for as far as invertebrates go, but they are delicate. While they can be held, it is not recommended as they are fragile and are really a display pet. You should only pick it up with the expectation of being stung or pinched. While they are considered more docile than most scorpions, they are still a scorpion and should be treated as such!

While these pets are not great for handling, they are quiet, clean, and easy to care for. They can grow up to six inches long and live for about six to eight years. They are nocturnal, meaning they’re most active at night.

Glass aquarium tanks are a great housing choice. Usually, one 10-gallon tank is enough for your pet scorpion. Nevertheless, a larger tank (20 to 30 gallons) is a must if you’re planning on having more than one. 

Whatever glass tank you choose, be sure to opt for an option that has a tight-fitting and secure lid. You don’t want this pet getting loose!

What Do Emperor Scorpions Eat?

Since their native habitat are forests, emperor scorpions mostly eat termites. As they are insectivores, these scorpions can do fine by eating feeder insects. Dubia roaches and gut-loaded crickets are fantastic staple foods. On the other hand, you can occasionally treat your pet scorpion to wax worms. Moreover, emperor scorpions don’t need any dietary supplements as long as feeders are fed well.

You can feed your emperor scorpion three or four appropriately-sized insects each week. That being said, periods of fasting after a particularly large meal can happen and are not necessarily cause for concern. Your little guy or gal knows when it’s hungry and when it’s not!

For any advice or supplies you need for your new exotic pets, the place to go is Jabberwock Reptiles. We can answer simple questions like what do emperor scorpions eat, as well as much more complicated inquiries about the care for this amazing species. Whatever you need, we’re here for you!

Know the Appropriate Temperature Ranges for Your Pet Reptile

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You want to take good care of the reptile you’re bringing home. A big part of this is making sure its tank or terrarium in your home is correct. This extends beyond the size or even what is inside to include the temperature

There are multiple reptile species that need to stay warm to ensure a stay healthy. Unlike you and me, your new pet reptile can’t just warm itself up. It needs your help. The most important thing to remember is that reptiles are ‘cold-blooded’ a.k.a. ectothermic animals. This is why humid and warm conditions are essential for these fascinating species.

How to Control Temperature Levels for Your Pet Reptile

First off, keeping a pet reptile requires you to count on the right equipment. Some of this supplies includes heat lamps, heat mats, and of course, thermostats and thermometers. .

In regards to heat lamps, you must make sure that they are the right wattage for the height of your enclosure, to not over or under heat your pet. The same thing applies to heat mats, as they go under your reptile pet’s cage. 

Likewise, you must have thermometers in any enclosure to determine the cage’s temperature, and thermostats on any heatmats to regulate temperatures from getting too hot. 

Luckily, you can find all of these supplies (heatmats, lamps, fixtures, bulbs) and much more in our store! We carry products from ReptiZoo, ExoTerra, and ZooMed. 

We also have heat lamps that’ll help you heat the enclosure without producing light, such as Cermaic Heat Emitters (CHE) or Deep Heat Projectors (DHP). You can also ask us which would be the best product for your reptile. 

What Is the Right Temperature Range?

Reptile temperatures vary greatly by species, as they are found all over the world! Bearded dragons require a cool area of 75-80 degrees, and a basking spot of 95-100, while Crested Geckos should never exceed temps above 82 degrees, or below 65. It is so 

Moreover, proper humidity is just as important as temperature, so don’t forget about that part too. This need also varies depending on the exact animal. Some lizard species require 70 to 80 percent humidity while other species such as desert snakes prefer only 10 to 30 percent. Knowing the exact needs of the species you are bringing home is essential for their longevity.

Let’s go over the basic temperature guidelines for some of our most popular pet reptile species:

Lizards such as Bearded Dragons, Uromastyx, and Leopard Geckos

Use these temperatures as a general guide when taking care of your pet lizards:

Lizard Species Min. Temperature for Basking Spot Max. Temperature for Basking Spot Min. Temperature for Cooler Side Max. Temperature for Cooler Side
Bearded Dragons 85°F  105°F  70°F  80°F 
Uromastyx 95°F 130°F 80°F 90°F
Leopard Geckos ~95°F   ~70°F 


Snakes such as Boa Constrictors and Corn Snakes

Use these temperatures when taking care of your pet snakes:

Snake Species Min. Temperature for Basking Spot Max. Temperature for Basking Spot Min. Temperature for Cooler Side Max. Temperature for Cooler Side
Boa Constrictor ~85°F ~95°F ~78°F
Corn Snake ~85°F 62°F 75°F
Ball Python 90°F 95°F 80°F 85°F


Tortoises such as Redfoot and Russian

Use these temperatures when taking care of your pet torts:

Tortoise Species Min. Temperature for Basking Spot Max. Temperature for Basking Spot Min. Temperature for Cooler Side Max. Temperature for Cooler Side
Redfoot Tortoise ~90°F 68°F 80°F
Russian Tortoise 90°F 95°F ~70°F
Sulcata Tortoise ~100°F 70°F 80°F

Learn All About Your Pet Reptile’s Needs at Jabberwock Reptiles

In the wild, reptiles have just the right food, rocks, trees, heat, and humidity for their particular species. In captivity, the animals rely on us for these essentials. The reason we are considered the best reptile store in Massachusetts is because we don’t just sell quality pet reptiles, we also focus on quality service, care, and education. We want your new reptile to be happy and healthy for a long time to come. With any questions on how you can make that possible, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask us!

Are You Ready to Buy a Reptile? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

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The decision to buy a pet reptile is an exciting one. We certainly don’t blame you for wanting to run out and pick your favorite animal as soon as possible. Before you find the coolest Rainbow Boa or the cleverest Frilled Dragon, we encourage you to take a step back and ensure this is not only the best decision for you but for the animal as well.  

Are You Ready to Buy a Reptile?

In order to give yourself an honest answer to this question, it is helpful to ask yourself several other, smaller questions. You may say “I am ready!” but when you think further, you realize you need a few other things in place first. That isn’t bad news. It’s actually great to realize it ahead of time because it means both you and your new pet will be happier. 

Why do I Want a Pet?

This question can lead to really deep discovery if you think about it carefully. Perhaps you simply have always been fascinated by snakes. Maybe you want a pet, but your apartment doesn’t allow dogs. If you want a new pet because you’re bored or lonely, what happens to the animals if your situation changes?

Do You Have Enough Space in Your Home for it?

Even a small turtle or lizard is going to require a home within your home. Do you have enough square footage for their terrarium? Many reptile options, from certain lizard breeds to snakes grow once you bring them home. How big will the animal grow, and what will you do when it reaches that size? Do you have adequate space for their size now, and when they’re full grown?

Can You Afford a Pet?

It’s important to provide the proper living environment for your reptile. It can be costly to set up your reptile correctly with everything it needs at home. There will also be continual costs, like food and healthcare. If you can’t afford to take care of an animal properly, you can’t afford it.

Do You Have Everything Ready for the Arrival? 

Before you bring the pet home, buy the things you’ll need in advance. It is better to be overly prepared than completely unprepared! For different species this can mean different things, but all animals need food and a healthy environment.

Do You Have a Network in Place?

Not all vets are specialized in the healthcare of reptiles. Not all of your friends are willing to feed your snake a live rodent while you go on vacation. These are things you’ll need to consider before you buy a reptile so you ensure you have the social network in place that you’ll need to care for your reptile in the long term.

For any and all things related to your desire to buy a reptile, Jabberwock Reptiles is here for you! We have everything you need to ensure your pet is happy, healthy, and thriving- from reptile food to terrariums and much more. Having a few important reptile supplies you need to buy before you bring your new pet home can make all the difference in the transition period!